INTERSECTION AT THE BRIDGE IS SOUTHEAST ALASKA’S BUSIEST. The second phase of work is underway on the Egan Expressway at the intersection of 12th Avenue and the Egan. Implemented with State funds, the project completes substantial right of way acquisition, widening and lane adjustments at this important traffic junction. It is overseen by DOT staff, who direct SECON and other contractors to complete the work. The combined daily traffic counts for the Egan and 10th Avenue (at the Juneau Douglas Bridge) totals over 35,000 vehicles. (Source: Department of Transportation) That makes this intersection the highest volume traffic intersection in Southeast Alaska.
TWO ROUNDABOUTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AIM AT REDUCING VALLEY TRAFFIC CONGESTION. Two roundabouts, less than one mile apart, are under construction this summer aimed at reducing congestion on the way to and from the Glacier and Floyd Dryden Middle School. The second goal is to increase safety on Mendenhall Loop Road.
One roundabout is located on the access road to Floyd Dryden Middle School, the other is at the intersection of Mendenhall Loop Road and Stephen Richards. The congestion at Floyd Dryden has been ongoing for years in morning and afternoon peak hours, and was the topic of substantial public input focused on increasing student safety. The Stephen Richards roundabout will re-direct traffic bound for the Glacier and Riverside Drive. Both traffic projects will be complete by fall. Cost of the two projects is nearly $11 million.
AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION NEARING FINAL APPROVAL. Bicknell Construction is just weeks away from achieving final plat approval by the Planning Commission. Originally zoned Rural reserve, gravel from the site was used in the 1970s to construct the foundation of the new Fred Meyer Store across the Egan. When the gravel was excavated, this created the “Honsinger Pond,” near the current location of Temsco Helicopters. After the Fred Meyer project was completed, the site was permitted to be refilled at some future date.
The site has gone through several iterations including two attempts at rezoning to both Light Commercial and Industrial. When those rezones were rejected, appeals were filed, and the final result was to upzone the site to Industrial, which is consistent with the land adjacent to the Airport. The new industrial subdivision, with 14 lots in its first phase, will offer sites from one half acre to over four acres in size. There is substantial pent up demand for land in the industrial zone, as no industrial sites are now being marketed in Juneau. Airport support and distribution are the uses that are expected to be located here.